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Results for "keyword: "religion""
Reflections on Islam after 9/11 An examination and a case for dispelling the many stereotypes of Islam.
Birthday of Thomas Berry (PDP) A celebration of the Passionist priest, leading cultural historian, religious scholar, and self-identified “geologian.”
Mohandas K. Gandhi Day (PDP) Celebrate by reading about his life, savoring some of his one-liners, and watching the Academy Award-winning film.
George Fox Day Acknowledging the legacy of the founder of the Quaker movement.
Diana Eck in God at 2000 When we take off our shoes
Questing for Holiness Learning to clown around.
Birthday of Bahaullah Reflections on the life and teachings of the great Baha'i prophet.
Ending Racism Clyde W. Ford on how to create a personal vision of what ending racism means to you.
Birthday of Corita Kent (PDP) Honoring the nun, pop artist, and educator.
Prayer for Those in Statecraft and International Relations A prayer for our leaders to work together for justice and peace for all.